Why and How to Clean a Vape

Without trying to sound like an overbearing parent who’s visiting your home for the weekend, you should really clean more. Yes, clean your bathroom more, maybe, but definitely your vaporizer cigarette. Keep reading to learn exactly why and how to clean a vape.

Cleaning Vape Pens

Assuming you've stepped up from the disposable e-cigarette models and invested in a quality personal vaporizer, you will find there are several components of your device that require regular maintenance. The most obvious is the coils and wicks; they are considered consumables that you will change out on a regular basis.

You will immediately notice a bad flavor and experience if you continue vaping with bad coils and wicks. However, you should also be taking steps to clean your vape tank on a regular basis as well. Many e-liquids contain chemicals that eventually break down plastic components and O-rings over time.

The best thing you can do is take your device completely apart and clean away any residue before reassembling. Many vaporizers come with small brushes to help get the job done. Simply dump out any residual e-liquid and then use a cotton swab and some water or rubbing alcohol to wipe down all the parts inside and out. Then lay out all the parts on a clean towel and let them air dry.

Some people choose to use a small steam sanitizer to clean mouthpieces during their regular teardowns as well. Make sure you check your parts to find out if they are safe in a steam sanitizer. Some plastics and other materials may crack if placed in these devices.

In order to protect your device against any hidden leaks and dust, you should also clean all of the connections that allow power to flow to your coils. Again, a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol is sufficient to keep the terminals clean and prevent loss of power.

If it's time to swap out your atomizer or atomizer coil, do so before reassembling your device. All of the hard work you just put into cleaning will be for naught if you keep using a dirty coil and wick.

Cleaning Dry Herb and Concentrate Vaporizers

Dry herb vaporizers require slightly more maintenance than other vaporizers. Since the used herb remains in the chamber, it is obvious that adding more herb will have a negative effect. This is why most dry herb vaporizers come with a cleaning tool to help you get any remaining herb out of the chamber.

In addition, the more advanced dry herb vaporizers give you access to the complete vapor path and typically come with wire brushes designed to keep the vapor path clean. Over time, build up in the vapor path can change the flavor of your vape and cause hot spots. If you're really lucky you will be able to remove the glass or ceramic vapor path itself to inspect it for cleanliness.

Concentrate and wax vaporizers are closer to regular e-liquid vaporizers. You will need to clean the heating chamber very well to get rid of any leftover gunk. Again, changing your coils and wicks on a regular basis is a requirement if you want to get a good, clean vape. Given that waxy substances tend to hang around a little bit more in the cracks and crevices, you should pay close attention while you're cleaning with a cotton swab to make sure you don't miss anything.

Cleaning the Exterior

Naturally, the exterior of your device needs cleaning to protect that beautiful finish and make sure the buttons operate smoothly. If you have a bad habit of dripping a little bit of e-juice from time to time, you definitely don't want it to run down into your firing or adjustment buttons and cause problems later.

For the most part, you can wipe down the exterior of your device with a plain rag. Around the buttons, you may want to use a cotton swab or a toothpick to get any grime out of the tiny cracks. If your screen is full of fingerprints, consider using a specialty screen wipe that is designed to protect the screen's surface.

What Not To Do

Whatever you do, do not submerge your vaporizer parts in water. Use only enough water to gently wipe away dust and sticky fluids. Do not use harsh soaps or chemical cleaners that could cause microscopic etching of the surfaces or otherwise leave behind dangerous residues. Don't rush the drying process. You want to know that your device is completely dry before you put everything back together to prevent any shorts or water getting down into the electronics.

Don't slack on maintenance when it comes to your vaporizer. Your vaporizer is an investment and failing to maintain it will cause it to give out long before its time is up.

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